Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Yea! I have a bloggity blog now!


Don't know why I didn't start one earlier. All well. *shrug*
Well this blog of mine will mostly consists of anime related things and witchy related things, but it will also address many other interests and concerns of mine. Basically a blog about random things that interest me and I happen to bring up. Most of it will be of intelligent content, though I can't promise all of it will be. XD
I must warn you that it is highly likely that there will be future posts of both Shounen-ai and Shoujo-ai content. So if you don't like it sorry, just don't look at it. For those of you who don't know what those are Google them. Google is your friend. Yes, it is. Sometimes.hehe. For those that do know and like them, enjoy! : )  (Trust me it won't be anything explicit,just cute stuff. So no worries. ^^)

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